- Walk
- Run
- Ride
- Stand up
- Site down
- Turn off
- Turn on
- Open
- Close
- Give
- Cry
- Laugh
- Think
- Listen
- Play
- Read
- Write
- Climb
- Win
- Fight
- Sing
- Dance
- Watch
- Cook
- Wash
- Pull
- Push
- Throw away
- Talk
- Wait
- Fly
- Eat
- Drink
- Sleep
- Break
- Melt
- Peel
- Layer
- Spread
- Roll out
- Fry
- Saute
- Mix
- Whip
- Add
- Taste
- Weigh
- Cut
- Chop
- Slice
- Grate
- Roast
- Bake
- Boil
- Steam
- pinch
- Pour
- Stir
- Barbecue
- Walk
- Run
- Stretch
- Jump
- Bounce
- Hop
- Skip
- Kneel
- Bend
- Sit
- Lie down
- Ride
- Kick
- Throw
- Hit
- Catch
- Serve
- Pass
- Dribble
- Shoot
- Ask
- Explain
- Observe
- Paint
- Spell
- Experiment
- Give
- Read
- Study
- Cut
- Teach
- Think
- Show
- Sing
- Say
- Calculate
- Count
- Draw
- Open
- Clsose
- Play
- Listen
- Fold
- Iron
- Hang
- Dry
- Make
- Change
- Vacuum
- Repair
- Drill
- Take out
- Wipe
- Scrub
- Tighten
- Nail
- Give
- Order
- Serve
- Lift
- Drink
- Spread
- Cook
- Slice
- Hold
- Eat
- Set
- Stack
- Light
- Write
- Pay
- Sharing
- Playing Cards
- Playing Chess
- Paly an isnstruement
- Bathing
- Skatebording
- Rollersketing
- Cycling
- Playing volleyball
- Lifting
- Shouting
- Cleaning
- Swimming
- Surfing
- Camping
- Flying a kite
- Driving
- Fishing
- Counting
- Go to bed
- Wake up
- Make my dad
- Brush your teeth
- Take a bath
- Brush your hair
- Get dressed
- Make dinner
- Have break fast
- Do the laundry
- Iron he clothes
- Hand the clothes
- Vacuum the floor
- Drive to work
- Get home
- Go to school
- Surf the next
- Play with friends
- Put on make up
- Wash the car
- Water the plant
- Go for a walk
- Go out with a friend
- play the guitar
- Take pictures
- Go shopping
- Exercise
- Water the plant
- Hang up the laundry
- Fold the landry
- Surf the net
- Phone people
- Feed the dog
- Do the dishes
- Have a break
- Inron hte clothes
- Walk the dog
- Read the newspaper
- Take a taxi
- Wait for the bus.
- Dust he house
- Rake the leaves
- sweep the floor
- Paint he house
- Clean the windo
- Cut the grass
- Take out the rubbish